Sunday, July 22, 2012

What Does "Better Living" Mean?

This is the only logical place I can think to start. I can say better living is losing weight and becoming healthier...or not stressing out over money or things I can't change. To someone else, the phrase could mean something totally different. But what does that phrase mean to me?

To me, it means adjusting, not changing, my eating habits and my mentality. This, in turn, means that I will become physically healthier and lose weight as well as become mentally healthier. This blog for me is a way to cleanse myself without the judgement that comes along with venting to friends or loved ones.

If you're still here and not scared, let me take a minute to introduce myself. My name is Laura, and I have red hair (shocking, I know). I graduated in 2011 with a B.S. Ed degree for teaching elementary school. However, I have yet to find a job. It can be mentally challenging to keep going on the hunt but knowing a lot of people are struggling in similar positions makes it easier.

I plan on updating this blog every Monday about my weight loss journey which is the main focus. Along the way, I will be challenging myself to look deeper and see what is lurking in the shadows. I know that is what has gotten me where I am, and I need to finally take a good look in the mirror and face myself.

If you have any questions, advice, or random facts ( I luuurve me some random facts) feel free to comment!

BTW: I have 2 corgis which I absolutely adore. My dream is to one day own a corgi farm.

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